Calorimetry - Isothermal & Differential Scanning
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Calorimetry - Isothermal & Differential Scanning

From the Latin ‘calor’ (heat) and the Greek ‘metry’ (to measure), calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat generated (exothermic), consumed (endothermic) or dissipated by a sample. Calorimetry is used in everything from pharmaceutical drug design to quality control in the chemical industry. There are many methods for measuring sample heat, two of the main ones are measurements based on constant pressure and those based on constant volume. 

A calorimeter can be a sophisticated instrument or as simple as a styrofoam cup. As long as it is insulated to prevent heat exchange with the environment, anything can be used to measure the temperature of a sample before and after a reaction and to calculate the heat released during the reaction. Because the temperature differences in calorimetry are extremely small, highly sensitive thermometers are needed for such measurements.

ATA Scientific offers a range of quality calorimeters including the MicroCal differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). These types of calorimeters allow for fast and accurate determination of transition midpoint (Tm) and other thermodynamic parameters as indicators of thermal stability. They generate a complete thermodynamic profile to understand the factors that affect conformation and stability of proteins and other biomolecules. Available in two models; the MicroCal PEAQ DSC and MicroCal PEAQ DSC Automated, these instruments produce fast, high quality data and are ideal for use in a range of research and development applications.

MicroCal also produces a range of isothermal titration calorimeters (ITC) which enable label-free measurement of binding events by measuring the heat released or absorbed during biochemical binding. Available from ATA Scientific in three different models; the MicroCal PEAQ-ITC, MicroCal PEAQ-ITC Automated and MicroCal VP-ITC, these calorimeters are easy to use, extremely sensitive and produce fast, accurate analysis and high quality data.

At ATA Scientific we sell innovative instruments from leading manufacturers in the particle, surface, life and material sciences. Our suppliers include some of the world’s most well-regarded companies such as Malvern Panalytical, Phenom World, Biolin Scientific, Avestin, Jasco, Precision Nanosystems, Phasefocus and Logos Biosystems.

Our scientific instruments are used by Universities, the CSIRO and by companies in a range of different industries including the pharmaceutical, polymer, chemical and mining sectors. We also provide our clients with long term support to ensure they get the best out of our products and services. Over the past 27 years, ATA Scientific has provided a range of technical services including operator training, preventative maintenance and instrument breakdown repair.

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