Particle characterisation user training courses 2017
It is our pleasure to invite you to express your interest in this series of training courses for 2017 focused on three of the most popular particle characterisation techniques, Laser Diffraction, Dynamic Light Scattering and Nanoparticle tracking analysis.
Each training course takes one full day to complete and are designed for users of Malvern particle size analysers including the Malvern Mastersizer, Zetasizer and NanoSight series. These courses will be valuable for both new and existing users who will learn “best practise” in the operation and maintenance of these instruments. Topics will help users understand how these instruments work, how to make reliable measurements, develop a method and how to interpret the data. Important sampling and maintenance procedures are also covered in practicals.
COURSE 1 : Laser Diffraction – For users of MALVERN MASTERSIZER series
Theory Presentations | Practicals |
Basic principles | Correct measurement procedures |
Sampling & high quality data | Representative sampling & dispersion |
Optical properties | Maintenance & cleaning |
Robust method development | Method development / Report design |
COURSE 2 : Dynamic Light Scattering – For users of MALVERN ZETASIZER Series
Theory Presentations Practicals Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)theoryCorrect measurement procedureExperimental considerationsAchieving repeatable size measurementZeta Potential theoryAchieving reliable zeta potential measurementData interpretationData analysis/report design
COURSE 3 : Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis – For users of MALVERN NANOSIGHT Series
Theory Presentations | Practicals |
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) theory | Correct measurement procedure |
Experimental considerations | Achieving repeatable size measurement |
Data interpretation | Data analysis/report design |
Exact locations, venues, dates and time will depend on the level of interest received. Cost is estimated to range from just $100 to $200 per person per course and will depend on location.
If you are interested in participating in one or more of the three training courses listed above, or would like further information, please fill in the online form here or send us an email to