16 Aug, 2021 | Newsletters

If you are a young scientist you can enter our competition to win one of six $500 Encouragement Awards. This award is intended to provide you with financial assistance to attend a relevant science conference or to further your research or studies. MAKE A VIDEO COMPETITION Most people are aware of the impact the pandemic has had on the general economy, but we don’t hear much from students themselves on how it has impacted their life. The shift to hybrid learning has become the norm so now it is time for us to reconnect with you as a student, and see the world from your point of view. We invite you to create a video that showcases a typical day in your life as a student, using one of the options below: Option 1: Create a ‘tiktok’ style video that showcase what you typically do in a day or week in the lab? For example, this can include a video collage showing snippets of your experiments, from pippetting to data analysis etc. OR Option 2: Present a “60 second thesis” style talk to describe your research project. This option is based on the idea of the 3 min thesis, where you explain your thesis and demonstrate what is novel in 3 mins. However instead of 3 minutes, we challenge you to create a 60 second video to do this instead. Top six winners will receive A$500 award each. Entries close 8 October 2021 CLICK HERE TO ENTER |