Combine Particle Size with Shape analysis in real time
26 Jul, 2021 | Newsletters
Adding particle shape leads to a deeper understanding of your materials’ behaviour, easier troubleshooting and quicker method development. Sitting alongside our Mastersizer 3000, the new Hydro Insight accessory provides real-time images of your particles, as well as quantitative particle shape data. Elucidate hidden features that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. WATCH THE LAUNCH VIDEO HERE |
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READ THIS APPLICATION NOW A complete solution for particle size analysis of metal powders – A combination of laser diffraction and imaging READ THIS WHITEPAPER NOW Five compelling reasons to add the Hydro Insight dynamic imaging accessory to your Mastersizer 3000 Encouragement Award 2021 The ATA Scientific Encouragement Award aims to provide young scientists with financial assistance to further their education and attend scientific meetings and conferences. Congratulations to all our previous winners. To find out more, please click here. |