ATA Scientific partners with Micropore Technologies

PRESS RELEASE: ATA Scientific is pleased to announce we have entered an exciting new partnership with Micropore Technologies, innovators of advanced membrane-based crossflow technology for scalable engineered particles.
As the development of new drugs and delivery systems accelerates, particularly after the remarkable success of mRNA-LNP technology, so too must strategies for faster, efficient and scalable drug manufacturing.
Micropore Technologies advanced crossflow (AXF™) mixing has solved the problem of how to create micro and nano-spheres, emulsions and crystals with a very narrow size distribution around a chosen size with a robust, cost-effective manufacturing-scale technology.
Collaborations with The University of Strathclyde and Prof Yvonne Perrie, internationally recognised expert in the field of liposomes and particulate drug delivery research, demonstrated “mRNA encapsulation efficiencies over 97% in LNP production using AXF™ advanced crossflow mixing”. This is an exciting result as it demonstrates that the AXF can provide cost efficient mass production of a whole new generation of LNP-based therapeutics. Yvonne stated the AXF has “A true workhorse capability. Easy to operate and very stable in operation”.

Originally spun-out of Loughborough University’s internationally renowned chemical engineering department, the company’s global headquarters and technical center are located at Wilton Centre, UK with international offices and operations supporting a wide range of clients producing antibiotics, cosmetics, pesticides, bioengineered materials and more recently mRNA.
The Micropore AXF (Advanced Cross Flow) range is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the performance of entire nanoparticle manufacturing processes through seamless scalability from initial R&D (0.2ml) to final pandemic-scale GMP manufacturing (1500L/hr).
Currently, most liposome drugs are produced by lipid hydration and extrusion, but this method suffers from multiple harsh processing steps which can compromise stability and give high batch variability. Microfluidic mixing offers rapid formulation with low polydispersity but again cannot accommodate high volume production.
The Micropore AXF range is able to overcome these roadblocks and offers scalability through a single device small enough to fit into a briefcase. Constructed of 316L stainless steel the membranes have an indefinite lifespan. Resilient to a wide variety of chemistries and cleaning procedures, the system requires no consumables apart from PTFE o-rings – No single use plastic, no moving parts, no hassle. Micropore’s patented membrane technology is able to reliably and efficiently mass-produce mono-dispersed particles at whatever size is required with minimised waste. It relies on the passage of the continuous phase, over the surface of a static membrane, to remove the extruded dispersed phase droplets.
“We are pleased to collaborate with Micropore to help our customers encapsulate particles cost-efficiently at commercially realistic volumes. The combined efforts of ATA’s applications expertise and Micropore’s crossflow technology will add great opportunities in the various markets we serve”

Bryn McDonagh, General Manager, ATA Scientific
Partnering with ATA Scientific to deliver first class support for various markets will allow us to continue our focus on developing the technology further for their needs. There’s nothing on the market that compares to Micropore’s encapsulation technology”

Dai Hayward MBE, CEO, Micropore Technologies
We believe that our close relationship with Micropore will help overcome many of the current challenges of formulating particles in particular with maintaining the integrity of therapeutics like mRNA-LNPs during manufacture, reducing the dependence on single use components and meeting a wider production capacity. This partnership, combines ATA’s analytical instrument expertise within Australia and New Zealand for particle characterisation with Micropores’ next generation particle engineering technology. Able to deliver a continuous generation of mono dispersed particles and emulsions from discovery stage to full scale GMP manufacturing, the economic and environmental benefits for advanced crossflow cannot be overlooked.
Need a formulation challenge solved? Contact us to discuss further or arrange a demo
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For more information, contact us
ATA Scientific Pty Ltd
+61 2 9541 3500