Drug Delivery Australia Conference: Colloids on the Coast 2017
October 23-24, 2017
A Scientific was a proud sponsor of the Drug Delivery Australia conference held in Wollongong on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October 2017. We discussed the latest technologies including Nanoparticle tracking analysis for nano-particle size and count, Quartz Crystal Microbalance with dissipation monitoring for molecular interactions plus many more.
The “Poster to Podium” competition saw first place awarded to Chelsea Thorn (University of South Australia) and runner-up to Samantha Wade (University of Wollongong). Each received an ATA Scientific travel bursary to attend either the CRS Annual Meeting in New York in July 2018, or Controlled Release Asia meeting in September 2018. An additional prize of Best PhD/ECR oral presentation sponsored by ATA Scientific was awarded to Lisa Belfiore (University of Wollongong). Congratulations Lisa!