ATA Scientific hosted the ‘SPIN TO WIN” Young Scientist travel prize at the 40th Lorne Protein Structure and Function conference (8-12 Feb 2015). The response to game was truly welcoming with over 140 people including students and academic staff tempted to spin. Many participants received a number of practical giveways as they spun the wheel. Consolation prizes included wine, torches and timers. As expected though, the most prominent and sought after prize to be won on the board was our $2000 Young Scientist Travel Award.
Ultimately, there were 15 participants that were eligible for Round 2 during the game from which 3 people progressed to the final round. With an exhilarating finish, the audience watched with anticipation as the $2000 slot went round and round, sometimes clicking over to the next empty slot at the last millisecond! Then finally with a sigh of relief the winner was rewarded!
Congratulations to PhD student, Ms Ashleigh Paparella, University of Adelaide, Department of Biochemistry – winner of the $2000 Travel Award ‘Spin to Win’ Prize!
Ashleigh is studying under the supervision of Associate Professor Grant Booker at the University of Adelaide, School of Biological Sciences. Ashleigh’s PhD research is focused on a metabolic enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus called Biotin protein ligase and its potential as an antibiotic drug target. The research lab utilises a variety of techniques including SPR, enzyme inhibition assays, x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy to investigate potential enzyme inhibitors. ” This travel ward will allow me to attend an international conference and to pursue potential post-doctoral opportunities overseas’.
The ATA Scientific Young Scientist Travel Award, which was started in 2011, was set up to offer young scientists financial assistance to further their education and to attend scientific conferences and meetings around the world. Over the past 4 years ATA Scientific have awarded the Young scientist travel prize to more than 20 winners from multiple Universities and research organisations around Australia and New Zealand. For more information regarding our award or to enter the next promotion contact us or visit our webpage at www.atascientific.com.au/eventsandtraining/awards.