Malvern NanoSight Pro

Malvern Panalytical NanoSight Pro provides a quick, easy and accurate NTA solution to allow the highest quality size and concentration data for both the light scatter and fluorescence analysis.

Malvern NanoSight Pro

Malvern Panalytical NanoSight Pro provides a quick, easy and accurate NTA solution to allow the highest quality size and concentration data for both the light scatter and fluorescence analysis.

Manufacturer Malvern Panalytical
Product Series Malvern NanoSight
Measurement principle Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
Application Exosome Tracking, Nano Particle Size, Nano Particle Tracking & Count
Sample type Exosomes, Nanoparticles
Particle size range 10 nm - 1000 nm
Minimum sample volume250 μL
Temperature control5 °C below ambient up to 70 °C
Fluorescence - automatic selectionFor up to 5 filters
Laser wavelengths405 nm, max power <70 mW; 488 nm, max power <55 mW (blue); 532 nm, max power <60 mW (green); 642 nm, max power <50 mW (red).

Product Overview

Malvern Panalytical NanoSight Pro provides quick and easy access to high-resolution size distribution and concentration measurements for individual nanoparticles while a fluorescence mode allows differentiation of fluorescing particles.

Advanced engineering has been enclosed in an elegant and compact design to deliver superior quality and robust data in minutes. Powered by machine
learning, NS Explorer software enables automated measurements, removes subjectivity and provides the highest quality size (10 nm – 1000 nm) and concentration data (106 to 109 particles / mL) for both the light scatter and fluorescence analysis. The NanoSight Pro also includes Interchangeable lasers and access to Smart Manager technology.

NanoSight NTA (Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis) is a well-established, quick, and simple technique for accurate characterisation of bio and nanoparticles. By capturing the light scattered from particles undergoing Brownian motion, NTA provides particle-by-particle tracking for high-resolution size and concentration data – all in a matter of minutes with minimal sample preparation.

Highly accurate particle size data allows material purity or complexity to be confirmed. Using particle-by-particle tracking, accurate detection of the smallest change in particle size provides insight into possible aggregation events within the population, up to 70ºC. For mixtures of various particle sizes, our FTLA algorithm looks for peak resolution at the highest level. Sample heterogeneity is quickly confirmed visually and the raw data distribution represents the true nature of the system.

  • Demonstration video
  • Benefits
  • Applications

Demonstration video


Quick install & analysis
NanoSight Pro can be used by every user in every lab. Smart installation allows you to get up and running quickly. With minimum setup, easy operation and intuitive NS Xplorer software you can measure your samples in minutes.

Intelligent & automated
Powered by machine learning and intelligent features, NanoSight Pro automates processing and eliminates human error, delivering superior particle identification and precise particle tracking for the highest quality and reproducible data.

Highest resolution
The NanoSight Pro measures nanoscale particles in the range of 10 nm – 1000 nm including low scattering and biological particles. Particle–by–particle analysis assures high resolution size and concentration data with visual confirmation.

Power of fluorescence
In addition to light scatter, fluorescence signals can be detected from fluorescently tagged biologics or synthetic particles providing even greater insight into your sample. Interchangeable laser modules with the choice of four excitation wavelengths can be used along with the matching long pass filters for the optimum setup supported by analysis in flow for better sampling and tracking of even photobleaching samples. The greater fluorescence sensitivity enables subpopulation identification including surface markers, internal cargo detection or depreciation of contaminants sensitivity.


Extracellular Vesicles (EV)

Whilst the research into the generation and functions of extracellular vesicles is still evolving, it is important to monitor and control their isolation and purification. NanoSight NTA provides quick and easy characterisation of both the size and concentration of vesicles in aqueous buffers, giving confidence in the quality of the sample used in any downstream experiments, whilst the use of fluorescence can assist in elucidating the origin subpopulations of EVs.

Virus and Vaccines

Manufacture of vaccines requires controlled production processes to ensure that the materials can be appropriately dosed and recognized by the immune system. NTA assists in the optimization of manufacturing processes by ensuring the size distribution of the vaccine is maintained. As NTA is also able to count and size viruses, it can be used as a faster alternative to titer assays.

Drug Delivery & Gene Therapy

With drug delivery and gene therapy products, 70-150 nm is the typical size of particles required to ensure effective disease targeting in the clinical. NTA is ideally suited to study the size of these particles from early stage research through to candidate screening, formulation development and clinical batch monitoring whilst the concentration measurement allows for dose determination of the final product as well as for use in in vitro and in vivo assays.


Temperature, pH change, agitation, shear and time all impact the stability of biotherapeutic proteins, causing denaturation and aggregation which can cause loss of efficacy and the potential for an unwanted immune response. NTA provides high resolution size distributions of sub-visible aggregates in a formulation for safety and quality assurance.


As nanomaterials are incorporated in to everyday items, they are coming to the attention of regulatory bodies. There is a requirement to fully characterize these particles, their properties and contribution in the final product. NanoSight can provide a number-based concentration for these nanomaterials and high-resolution size distributions for those working at the nanoscale in industrial, environmental and toxicological fields.

Ultrafine bubbles

In recent years work on ultrafine bubbles has been gathering momentum for use in industrial cleaning and water treatment, agriculture and food, and medical applications amongst others. Their relatively low concentration and small size are a challenge for many traditional nanoparticle characterization techniques whereas NTA is particularly adept at the detection and analysis of these bubbles.

Product Enquiry


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Please note, product enquiries are only applicable to Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji

    Or call us instead at (02) 9541 3500