ISAM-Woolcock Joint Conference and Workshop

Sep 25 - 26 2014

ATA Scientific was a trade sponsor at this year’s ISAM – Woolcock (International Society for Aerosols in Medicine and the Woolock Institute of Medical Research) conference held at the WIMR Headquarters in Sydney. Featured at our trade table were the latest innovations for bioequivalence studies of inhaled formulations, including the new Phenom desktop SEM that allows rapid imaging (<30sec from loading to SEM image) with integrated EDS/X-ray analysis for element identification.

photo 3As the conference came to a close, the time arrived to draw the winner of the ATA Scientific wine hamper prize. A willing PhD student from the Woolcock Institute volunteered to hold the hamper box up for all to see while A/Prof Daniella Traini drew the entry from the ballot box. We all waited in anticipation as the name “Giulia Ballerin” was announced! There was an instant wave of laughter from the audience. We looked around to to discover that it was actually our lovely volunteer that had won the prize! What a chance! Congratulations Giulia!Giulia Ballerin

Giulia Ballerin is a PhD Student enrolled at UTS under the supervision of A/Prof Cynthia Whitchurch and co-supervised at the Woolcock, working on novel delivery systems for pneumonia.

Reminder: Our Travel Award is still open for entry. We invite all young Scientists in the Australian or NZ chapters of the Controlled Release Society to enter to win A$2,000 towards travel costs to attend the 42nd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, July 26-29, 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Find out more here….

Conference website